Another wonderful assignment…woohoo… :-| Second week of the semester and I’m already starting to hate looking at my laptop.
So..An event outside of LAU.. Alright a night out. Saturday me and a couple of very awesome people headed up to Broumana to a restaurant called Calvados. Best Hawaiian pizza ever. I’m telling you, it was WONDERFUL. I would recommend it to anyone. And I do. Please if you have time, head up to Calvados and try their food. You’ll fall in love with the atmosphere, the music, and especially the food. Food is LIFE. Well, sometimes.
Anyways, we decided to head down, and of course, it had gotten much colder in the couple of hours we had been inside. And guess who didn’t have a very warm jacket on? Yeaup you guessed it, yours truly!
We headed back down to Beirut and decided the night was young. What shall a couple of extremely awesome people do on a Saturday night at 130? Hit up the Gemayz? I think so! And that is exactly what we did! Hello Gemayz <3 (Ps, for those of you unfamiliar with Beirut, Gemayz is a street filled with pubs and restaurants in Beirut. It’s actually called Gemayzeh, but because we are super cool…we call it the Gemayz. By the way when you say Gemayz, you have to suddenly develop an accent. You can’t just say it normally. That’s the rule. I didn’t make it up, that’s just the way it is. Compliments of Ayman Abdel Hadi of course. Thank you very much ayman for the wonderful word and the rules. Life would be pointless without you!)
A couple of equally awesome friends of ours were already in Gemayz so we decided to join. Yay hurray for Jukebox. For those of you that don’t know where jukebox is, well..don’t ask me. My sense of direction is terrible. It took me a good two weeks to figure out how to get home from university. And I live right at Upper Gate..I’m not joking. I still can’t figure out how to get to a lot of places that I visit often. SO, I’m sorry to those who wanted to know. But ask someone! And then..GO! It’s another wonderful place. Kind of small, but eh, whatever :p
Anyways, that’s basically it. Mashroo3 um…what’s the opposite of fashil?? Anyways that’s about it. I hope you enjoyed my wonderful narrative of “A NIGHT OUT”.
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